Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Neverending Search For Good Christian Horror

So I've been reading this book. Pretty good. I am constantly on a journey to find something in the horror genre written, directed, or made by a Christian that really gets it right. I've come close to finding it a couple of times. Megiddo kind of hit it. While it definitely had it's flaws, the special effects were at least on the mark or close for the time. Then I saw The Visitation with Edward Furlong, which was actually pretty good. There's a new movie coming out called House that looks like it might be good. I found out that the director that did The Exorcism Of Emily Rose is a Christian, which sparked my interest to see that movie and find out what it's all about.

On to This Present Darkness. Pretty good book. It's a little fundamentalist for me in some spots, but his depiction and descriptions of how the spiritual world works in conjunction with our world is quite disturbing and thought-provoking. The author has a way of describing and going through a scene and it's dialogue between two people and then showing you the behind the scenes activity of who is controlling those people and their reactions spiritually. I'm pretty impressed.

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